Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Break Photograph

This is a photograph of my dog, Coach, running around on a sunny day during spring break.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Portrait Dyptich

N. Emme '11

This series is actually full of humor.  In the first picture, the model is holding a water bottle and the other model decides that he wants it, so in the second picture, he steals the water bottle.  In the third picture, the model who thats the water from the other holds the bottle above his head so that the other can not get to it.  In the forth photo, the man whom initially had the water punches the man who took it in order to get it back, and the last two photos reveal, he in fact does get his water back. 
Models:  Adam Buongiovanni and Stephen Kuzma

N. Emme '11

In this 4 photograph series, there is a man sitting and a chair and another man decides to jump him in order to take his money, but when the man in the chair stands up and discovered he towers over the person jumping him, he beats his up, as shown in the last photo.
Models:  Stephen Kuzma and Adam Buongiovanni

Monday, April 4, 2011

Surrealism Photo Montage

This surreal project represents who you should listen to in life.  On the left hand side, you have a good friend talking to me and everything is bright, clear, vibrant, and happy, especially the tree on my head, which is green and healthy.  The tree represents that if you only take compliments in life, you will have a healthier life, especially if you do not listen to the negative thoughts that people express about you, which the right side shows.  You have a person who is giving negative feedback to me, and therefore, I am blurry, not colorful, and the tree on my head is dead.  Another thing you realize is the birds flying on each side of me.  On the positive side, you have everyday birds which you see when the weather is nice and the sun is out, but on the right, the negative side, you see crows, which represent death and decay.  The ultimate message this peice gets across is that if you listen to those who mean the most and have positive things to say, you will have a healthier, more fun life, and negative thoughts will only bring you down.